Miss Fitness International as a nun



Jenny Hendershott won the Ms.Fitness International and Ms.Olympia titles in 2005. In 2004 she came out at the Olympia in a nun outfit performing a “Jesus” routine. Isaac Hinds came to know why:

“I have been battling my faith for over a year and a half. I can be a very private person at times and I had lost 5 friends over the course of 4 months so I was struggling for a while with Death, God, prayer, and the importance of my own life. I wanted to out do the 2003 routine so I kind of put it all together and came up with proclaiming my faith in front of the industry. Again, what do I have to lose and hey I want to entertain and I want to stand out. I loved the end result and I have since found myself and yes, God really is my homeboy.”

Femalemuscle.com has all the Pics.


2 responses to “Miss Fitness International as a nun”

  1. […] in 2004 she was undergoing a crisis as well during which God became her homeboy. […]

  2. […] invited to try out Mister Wong as a Beta tester. In March Mister Wong did not yet take part in my social bookmarking test. Even today combining the tags “sport spirituality” does not deliver any results on […]

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