Tag: Hospice

  • The right dose of religion



    As a hospice chaplain I know that Karl Marx was perfectly right when he described religion as “opium for the masses.” With the end of life approaching, I find patients and families seeking comfort in religion. For the person on hospice care that is perfectly appropriate. They receive all kinds of medications for pain-relief. They may also use religion for pain-relief. Similar to…

  • Time to say Goodbye



    Today, the Christian tradition celebrates Ascension Day – the day when Jesus was lifted up to heaven. The story is recorded in Acts 1:1-11. What strikes me is how the apostles were flabbergasted: “While he was going and they were gazing up toward heaven, suddenly two men in white robes stood by them.” That’s how…

  • Spiritual Temperature Check



    During the corona crisis most of us are subjected to daily temperature checks. The numbers get repetitive. We actually have a Zoom meeting in the morning where 20+ people call out there temp. Today I turned that health chore into a spiritual reading. Just look up your temperature in the Book of Psalms! Here are…

  • Jesus on Infection Control and Quarantine



    During the Corona Virus outbreak there is a lot of talk about infection control and quarantine.Today I was reminded of this odd little story of a healing that Jesus performed: Jesus Cures a Blind Man at Bethsaida (Mark 8:22-26) They came to Bethsaida. Some people brought a blind man to him and begged him to…

  • R2C2 Spiritual Assessment with Dietrich Bonhoeffer



    R2C2 Spiritual Assessment with Dietrich Bonhoeffer from Daniel Haas Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s “Ethics” were published in 1949 and propose that Ethics have a claim on all aspects of life. Accordingly, in 2019 I proposed that spiritual resilience needed to be assessed with the same big picture view.