Tag: Hospice

  • St. Martin’s Day, Veterans Day, and Hospice Care



    Starting at the 28 minute mark:St. Martin’s Day, hospice care, and Army chaplaincy.Thanks for having me on the show, Joe Grace.

  • Free audio books for hospice workers – and anyone, really



    I am a hospice chaplain. That means I drive a lot. All home health professionals do. And there are certain challenges that come with that lifestyle: How do you eat a healthy yet satisfying lunch while “living on the road”? What do you listen to all day? Honestly, I have not cracked the code for…

  • No Car No Gun



    Over the past five years, the congregation that I serve has experienced one suicide per year. They only have 180 members. In my church, the suicide rate is 1 out of 180 every year. Why is that? Research indicates two main contributing factors: Age- related conditions Access to firearms I remember one church member who…