Tag: Job
What must I do?
Flip your Bible open on a random page, point your finger on a random verse and read it out loud. How would you feel if you had to live your life accordingly?
God and the Super Bowl
You know what the biggest group of Americans say they DON’T do on any given Sunday? – Be in church or watch football! According to the January PRRI/RNS Religious News Survey most people forgo both of these Sunday activities. Now, as a pastor I am a regular at church but I must admit that I…
Job restored
For many readers of Job, the epilogue seems too neat, too simplistic, too much a “happy ending” to the difficult questions raised by the rest of the book. Read a wonderful reflection from Enter the Bible: Your browser does not support iframes.
Job 40 introduces the Behemoth. The word Behemoth appears frequently in the Hebrew Bible and is typically translated as “wild animals” (Psalm 8:8; Joel 1:20; 2:22; Habbakuk 2:17). Here it appears as a pluralis excellentiae though, referring to just one very wild beast. It is not a dinosaur: So what does it look like now?