Tag: German
Two Good Reasons to Remember Ascension Day
Today is a Ascension Day. Most of the time, churches will push the observance to the following Sunday, so more people have a chance to attend. Why should Ascension Day matter to you? 1. If you have a German background you would be pleased to learn that Ascension Day doubles as Father’s Day. Also it…
Snow, Luther Tour, German Classes, and Student Exchange
Good morning, winter! A post shared by Daniel Haas (@revhaas) on Feb 10, 2017 at 11:43pm PST While Houston was enjoying 80°F last week, I landed in Germany, to a freezing 32°F. A couple of days later I woke up to snow on my parents’ balcony. On my week-long trip I had the chance to…
Why the Wider Church Matters
Church is not just the particular group of people you meet with in a particular building on a particular day for a particular program. The church as the body of Christ is so much bigger than that. Here is a story that recently happened at St. John’s United Church of Christ in Rosenberg, Texas. One…
How to make Paper Lanterns for St. Martin’s Day
With our St. Martin’s Day Celebration fast approaching it is time to get your supplies ready to build your lanterns. We will gather on November 12th at 5pm to build them. Then it’s stew supper at 6:30 followed by a skit and finally our lantern procession. Please RSVP on Facebook. The most common one is…
Celebrating church life in huge crowds
I am fixin’ to attend the United Church of Christ General Synod 2015 in Cleveland, Ohio, June 26-30. Every two years delegates and visitors from all over the country convene for the business and celebration of our wider church family. A reunion of sorts representing 1,000,000 people. Like many attendees I will post regular updates…