Tag: German
Anton Boisen – A German Perspective
If you are involved with pastoral care in general or Clinical Pastoral Education in particular there is no way you escaped the legacy of Anton Theophilus Boisen. A great approach to this struggling soul is his Autobiographical Study Of Mental Disorder And Religious Experience “Out of the Depths”. It is a available as a free…
Same procedure as every year
Sure enough we watched Dinner For One – same procedure as last year: For the past few years we’ve also added this spoof: Another major change is that we got to watch it all on our American TV thanks to the YouTube for Wii app :-)
BYU Christmas Interview
Here is my Christmas interview with BYU radio comparing German and American Christmas traditions and explaining the liturgical tradition on the Mormon channel:
The effect of church tax on church membership
In their study “The effect of church tax on church membership” Teemu Lyytikäinen and Torsten Santavirta examine the effect of church tax on the church membership decision using Finnish data. Church Tax Finland, Austria, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, and Iceland all impose some sort of church tax for members. Membership or affiliation to a state church…
Harvest Festival: Erntedank
Commemorating the German Version of a Harvest Festival the sermon last Sunday was about Thanksgiving: