Month: October 2011

  • Sermon Podcast: Crossing Jordan



    Crossing_Jordan_10_30_2011.m4a Listen on Posterous Listen to a sermon by the Rev. Daniel Haas. It was based on Joshua 3:14-17 and delivered at Provo Community United Church of Christ on October 30th 2011.

  • Comfort Food for the Soul



    Little is known about the minor prophet named Nahum. His name means “comforter”. And he has a comforting theology – God is presented as a God who will punish evil but will protect those who trust in Him: “The LORD does not easily become angry, but he is powerful and never lets the guilty go…

  • I trust no one, not even myself



    Trust issues are pretty common: “You believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself.” ― Marilyn Monroe “I trust no one, not even myself.” ― Joseph Stalin “Don’t believe your neighbor or trust your friend. Be careful what you say even to your husband or wife. In these times sons treat…

  • God has told you, O mortal, what is good



    Today’s Reading is from Micah 6: “God has told you, O mortal, what is good” This short line looks so straightforward but it has a couple of profound insights: 1. We need to be told what is good, we cannot do that ourselves! 2. We need to be willing to listen, which more often than…

  • Social Media Break evaluated



    This past week I have been on a social media hiatus. I did not personally log onto twitter or facebook for seven days. Emotions: :-) It was not as hard. I did not feel any withdrawal symptoms, just the occasional inconvenience of not having people’s email or phone numbers handy without using facebook as my…