Tag: Matthew

  • Matthew 2:1-15



    Find today’s passage here. The Sunday after Christmas I preached about Matthew 2:13-23 asking: Now What? That reflection applies to today’s verses as well. I used PARDeS to dig even deeper into the different aspects of this piece. Interesting stuff.

  • Matthew 1:1-25



    Find today’s passage here. Since I just preached about it a couple of weeks ago, may I refer you to the sermon titled “Love”.

  • Romans 10:5-17



    Today’s Reading is Romans 10:5-17. Verses 5-8 remind us to not focus on a distant future or fate or a place up in heaven or down in hell but to only look and live right here, right now. Jesus said the same thing in his sermon on the mount: “So do not worry about tomorrow;…