Tag: Isaiah

  • What does Heaven look like?



    “Here on Mount Zion the LORD Almighty will prepare a banquet for all the nations of the world—a banquet of the richest food and the finest wine. Here he will suddenly remove the cloud of sorrow that has been hanging over all the nations. The Sovereign LORD will destroy death forever! He will wipe away…

  • Isaiah 58:1-14



    Today’s Reading is Isaiah 58:1-14. Have you ever been looking for social justice in the Bible? – Well today’s passage has a lot of it. And there is numerous other Biblical Foundations for Advocacy. Do you remember how last summer Serene Jones, President at Union Theological Seminary sent An Open Letter to Glenn Beck? Students…

  • Isaiah 55:1-13



    Today’s Reading is Isaiah 55:1-13. Ludwig Feuerbach found that “Religion is the outward projection of man’s inner nature”. That is so true! Unfortunately faith is always in danger of becoming religious. Isaiah reminds us that God is bigger than any religious effort: “My thoughts,” says the LORD, “are not like yours, and my ways are…

  • Isaiah 38:1-20



    Today’s Reading is Isaiah 38:1-20. God is unfair: “I, the LORD, the God of your ancestor David, have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will let you live fifteen years longer.” Gimme a break: All you need to do is whining and you get your way? If we are really God’s children then…

  • Matthew 3:1-17



    Today’s Reading is Matthew 3:1-17During Jesus’ time there were many many preachers calling for repentance like John. In every day and age you have people that are expecting the end of time to come soon so they need to join Isaiah in his call. Jesus comes to end that. He is the final revelation. (Barmen…