Search results for: “Declaration”

  • Don’t Mess With Texas



    “I call heaven and earth to witness against you today that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Choose life so that you and your descendants may live, loving the Lord your God.” (Deuteronomy 30:19) Independence Day is all about making your own choices. As a country we have decided that…

  • Persecution of Christians



    WASHINGTON (AP) — A government agency’s annual report on violations of religious rights added Egypt on Thursday to the list of the world’s 14 worst violators. The situation there for religious minorities, especially Coptic Christians, has deteriorated markedly, even since former President Hosni Mubarak resigned in February, the report said. China also is on the…

  • 2 Chronicles 6:18-42



    Today’s Reading is 2 Chronicles 6:18-42. Solomon’s prayer to God continues in today’s reading. The King wants to make sure that his temple is the only legit place for worship. This prayer is not actually prayer to but more a declaration to the people – in the following cases I want you to turn to…

  • Who killed Jesus?



    CNN reports: “Jewish groups around the world are welcoming a clear declaration from Pope Benedict XVI that the Jewish people are not collectively responsible for the death of Jesus.” How does that matter politically? “The Jews killed Jesus” has often been used to justify antisemitism and ultimately to justify the shoah. Jesus was nothing but…

  • Matthew 3:1-17



    Today’s Reading is Matthew 3:1-17During Jesus’ time there were many many preachers calling for repentance like John. In every day and age you have people that are expecting the end of time to come soon so they need to join Isaiah in his call. Jesus comes to end that. He is the final revelation. (Barmen…