Evernote for preaching: From gym over desk to pulpit



I use Evernote, Everywhere
Android Phone
Android Tablet

I use Evernote for…
My sermon-making happens in daily chunks from Tuesday through Friday. First thing Tuesday morning on my office computer I copy next Sunday’s lectionary texts into a fresh note. Before Evernote I used to print them on paper. Now I don’t have to carry that and the otherwise necessary pen anymore. Evernote and my sermon in progress follow me digitally everywhere I go.
Meeting with many different people for joyous occasions or in outright crisis situations throughout the week certainly has an impact on that Sunday’s sermon. Some of those impressions I add to my growing sermon while on-the-go via phone. My favorite “desk for sermon writing” is definitely an exercise bike at the gym. That’s where my creative energy flows best. Evernote on my Android tablet allows me to write, copy, edit, create, short: let the spirit work that sermon. That happens every other day alternating with more detail-oriented phases at the office computer expanding the very same note that started on Tuesday morning with just a few verses of Bible text. The final product for church on Sunday morning is basically an elaborate list of bulletin points that I use to guide me through the service, with tablet in hand.

Evernote for everything else
Besides using Evernote as my everyday preaching companion it serves me as a personal notebook in many ways: ideas for blog-posts, random brainstorm results, recipe collection for homebrewing and many other things that before Evernote would have ended up on tiny pieces of paper that constantly got lost.


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