Month: April 2011

  • Esther



    April 1-6 are a journey through the entire book of Esther. Diane Jacobson wrote beautifully about it: The book of Esther teaches indirectly rather than directly four lessons: (1) Maintaining community and religious identity in foreign territory is a tricky but terribly important task. (2) Through wisdom, wit, and courage, people can live productively in…

  • Sermon Podcast: Sharing is Joy



    Listen to a sermon by the Rev. Daniel Haas commemorating the fourth Sunday in Lent and One Great Hour of Sharing. It was based on 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 and delivered at Provo Community United Church of Christ on April 3rd 2011. Sharing_is_Joy_2011-04-03.m4a Listen on Posterous

  • Keep Email Affordable



    Please support the “Keep Email Affordable Alliance” by joining their facebook group. Here is their appeal: BYU president Cecil O. Samuelson and UVU president Matthew S. Holland urge Utah Valley residents to support the “Keep Email Affordable Alliance”. Postage rates are going up again for postcards and letters to Canada and Mexico according to Fox…